So, to make our origami as clear as possible for children, we have diagram and animation our models each step of the way.
We hope that you and the kids can follow along easily, clicks here to make fruits, flowers dan vegetables Origami
Cara : Posisi kaleng dibalik, Pasang 3 sumpit pada pinggir kaleng (di bagian luarnya saja) pake selotip melingkari kaleng susu (biar kuat), hiasi dengan kertas warna.
Untuk kaleng yang ukurannya kecil (misal kaleng susu bearbrand/kaleng sarden), bisa digabung 2 atau 3 kaleng menjadi sati, diikat pake karet atau diselotip.
Untuk pemukulnya pake sumpit yang atasnya dililitin pake karet gelang.
Kira-kira jadinya seperti pada gambar.
If your child prints a handprint heart, it will be yours forever! These make a super quick craft activity for Katini's Day or Mother's Day and a lovely keepsake, too.
Papercraft is a method of crafting three-dimensional objects out of paper, similar to origami. Papercraft differs from origami in that the final product is usually made from patterns cut out from paper and held together with glue.
Here are my other great resource of Papercraft. Enjoy making your own paper world
Bahan dan alat : Cutter, lem, busa lembaran, pita biasa, renda/manik buat hiasan, botol bekas air mineral (bisa botol apa saja yang terbuat dari plastik)
Cara membuat :
- Potong bagian tengah botol membentuk lingkaran gelang pake cutter (kebetulan Rahma dan Rafif menggunakan botol bekas aqua yang ada garis-garisnya, jadi potongnya pas di dua garis itu untuk satu gelang (oya untuk anak balita perlu bantuan orang dewasa untuk memotongnya)
- Gunting busa lembaran seukuran pola gelang, lem ke pola gelang (potongan botol)
- Ambil pita dan lilitkan ke seluruh permukaan sampai tertutup semua, akhiri dengan mengelem guntingan pita pada gelang.
- Hiasi dengan renda atau manik yang ditempelkan di permukaan gelang.
1/4 cup salt
1 cup flour
1/4 cup water
Have your child mix the flour and salt in a bowl then add water. Knead and squeeze the dough to make a clay consistency. You may need to add more water.
Note: Your child will find that this playdough doesn't last as long as the cooked recipes.
3 cups flour
1.5 cups salt
6 tsp cream of tarter
3 tbsp oil
3 cups water
Store in plastic container. Should last for at least 3 months.
NOTE: This recipe is made from edible ingredients and not toxic in small amounts for children. However, a dog got sick after eating a batch of playdough. It is not intended as a food item. Please be sure to put it away after your children have finished playing.